Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kingston Library Project Delivered

Well, we finished up the Kingston Library project last week.  We delivered on Monday the 14th and attended the opening reception on Thursday evening.  The new building looks fantastic and is nearly complete except for a few touches of paint.  Amazing that it all happened on schedule!  We would like to thank the Town and especially Bruce and Lesley for thinking of us for the project and for supporting us throughout the course of the work.  We are happy to have the pieces finished and in the new library and hope that they provide years of good service.  Also, we'd like to thank Gary and Michael for their help during the project.  Here are a few last photos of the work, not exactly action shots this time:

At the opening with Bruce G.

The conference table at the opening reception.

The round tables and chairs ready for action.

Conference table top.

Cafe table and chair.

Small round table and chairs in study room.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kingston Library - Almost Done

Our blog postings have been a little less frequent than we were hoping when we set this site up, but we've been busy finishing off the Kingston Library Work and haven't had much of a chance to come up for air.  All our woodworking is done for the project now and we are waiting to receive the work back from the finisher for final assembly.  New work will be starting soon and we'll be posting about that as well as the summer progresses.  Also, sometime in the near future we hope to get out on the water where I'll guide Matt to a few more HOG bass.  I'll post pictures of the fish, too, if Matt keeps his tip up!

Anyway, the library work looks really great and we could not have pulled it off in the time we did without the tremendous help that Gary and Matt's Dad, Michael, gave us.  We had a lot of fun with them in the shop and will definitely miss having them around when we finish off the project.  Here's hoping we see more of them around the shop and that we get to see the custom guitars and federal corner stands materialize in the coming months.  They are certainly more than capable of producing some tremendous work.  Thanks again.

Here are a few more action shots from the past couple weeks.

Oval top in birds-eye maple with the first coat of finish.  

Another shot of the oval top.  Nice.
Hard to stop looking at it.
Gluing the table legs to the columns.

The underside of one of the round tables.

A fuzzy photo of a completed round table ready for finish.

The final glue up for a cafe chair. 

Gary and I branding the chairs.  Fun.
Made in Rollywood!

Cafe table and chair ready for finish.